Love Addiction

When a love story begins, everything seems beautiful. But there are stories and stories. Some are based on authentic feelings, others on unhealthy dynamics.

When love turns into an obsession that makes you suffer, we no longer speak of love but of love addiction. A problem linked to emotions, thoughts and behaviors of love relationships.

Love addiction is part of the "new addictions", that have the same characteristics as addiction, but are not caused by the action of a substance of abuse, such as gambling, internet addiction, shopping compulsive, sex addiction, sports addiction and work addiction.

In a relationship, addiction in itself is not pathological. It is absolutely normal, especially in the early stages of love, where there is a certain degree of emotional dependence and merger with the partner. The desire for dependence should decrease with the stabilization of the relationship leaving room for autonomy.

In Love addiction, the relationship is experienced as a unique, indispensable and a necessary condition for one's existence. The other is given such importance to cancel themselves and not listen to their needs. This mechanism is perpetuated to avoid facing the greatest fear: the breakdown of the relationship.

In everyday life, signs and symptoms of addiction are reflected in a wide variety of behaviors and attitudes:

  • The partner's emotions are more important than their own;
  • Self-esteem depends on the approval of the other;
  • Taking a position or making a decision becomes difficult and causes strong feelings of guilt;
  • The fear of being abandoned is so intense that most behaviors have the function of avoiding loneliness and rejection;
  • Recognizing and expressing one's thoughts and emotions is difficult or frightening;
  • Most of your time is spent checking on your partner;
  • The negative consequences that the relationship has in all other areas are ignored.


Psychotherapy can help to overcome the conditions of suffering related to the state, in which the couple is experienced as indispensable and necessary for their existence.

Love addiction treatment aims to:

  • Understand how it works, to understand what is the motivation behind addiction;
  • Modify attachment bonds and rework past negative experiences;
  • Develop assertiveness in order to recognize and express one's needs and emotions;
  • Improve self-esteem and self-confidence.

Psychotherapy can help recognize thoughts and emotions that lead to suffering and unhappiness.