3 breathing exercises to help you sleep

Breathing exercises are designed to take advantage of the strong link between mind and body.

By using breathing exercises we can create a calmer emotional state that will help us drift into sleep.

1. 4-7-8 Breathing:

Sit in a comfortable position;

Empty your lungs by exhaling through your mouth and making a whooshing sound;

Close your mouth and inhale through your nose for 4 seconds;

Hold your breath for 7 seconds;

Exhale from the mouth for 8 seconds;

Repeat for 4/5 minutes.

2. Abdominal breathing:

Sit in a comfortable position;

Place a hand on your chest and one on your abdomen to monitor where your breath is coming from;

If your chest is the part that is moving, on the next inhale try to move the air deep into your abdomen;

Continue until you feel that you can easily lift your abdomen;

Repeat for 4/5 minutes.

3. Imagery Breathing:

Sit in a comfortable position;

 On each exhale, become aware of the weight of your body against the mattress and the feeling of your mattress supporting your body;

Become more aware of the sensations in your body and the slowing down of your mind with each exhale;

Then, try to imagine your exhales as colours. What colours do you see?

Continue for 4/5 minutes.